Let’s get to know each other!

For the longest time I have felt that confidence & mindset, and how we dress, the clothes we wear and how we feel in them are intrinsically linked.

My mission in life is to empower women strengthen their self worth so that they can manifest the life of their dreams - by tapping into their mindset, and strengthening their confidence through personal styling.

Before coaching I was working my way up the corporate ladder. Working, working, working - with clear career goals in mind… until I realised one day, and I really mean it hit me like a bolt of lightning, that these were not my true life or career goals. After a few more years of feeling unfulfilled and frankly like I was supposed to be doing something else, my now husband recommended Hal Elrod’s book – The Miracle Morning - to me, and thus began a love affair with first morning rituals which blossomed into finding spirituality, my inner goddess and I began to heal my life, my relationships and my past.

I was having self help books for breakfast and working continuously on myself trying to figure out what I wanted to do… what my true calling is! And after much soul searching I found coaching – and for the first time in forever felt I was working towards something that felt in alignment with completely! Helping other women find their power, & feel good in their power lit me the fuck up!!

I finally had found my calling!

And now I want to empower and support as many women as I can who are in that same space as I was… helping them to strengthen their self worth so that they can manifest the life of their dreams.

Outside of coaching – I am still a fiend for self-help books. And if I am not reading I will be spending time at the beach – swimming, walking or just being (depending on the season) – with my wonderful husband and my step-daughter!


Lots of love,

Shauna xox